Our Logo's Story:

Future Build Together

At Sustainable Tourism Forum, our brand philosophy is based on the belief that tourism has the power to make a positive impact on the world. Our logo represents our commitment to creating a sustainable future for tourism, and it symbolizes our shared responsibility to protect the planet’s resources for future generations. The logo has been designed based on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, specifically those that relate to the travel and tourism industry.

The green color in our logo represents our commitment to preserving the natural environment, land for future generations. We recognize the importance of protecting the planet’s ecosystems, and we strive to promote sustainable practices that help us achieve that goal.

The blue color in our logo represents our commitment to protecting oceans and other water bodies. We believe that responsible tourism practices are essential to preserving marine life and ecosystems, and we are committed to working with stakeholders to achieve that goal.

The orange color in our logo represents our commitment to sustainable and clean energy practices. We recognize the importance of reducing our carbon footprint, and we are committed to promoting renewable energy sources to help us achieve our sustainability goals.

The visual patterns inside the solid colors represent our commitment to innovation, development, community involvement, mitigation, preservation, biodiversity. We believe that these goals are critical to creating a sustainable future for tourism, and we are committed to working with stakeholders to achieve them.

Our logo’s circular pattern represents the interlinkage and continuity of these goals. We believe that by working together, we can create a sustainable and responsible travel and tourism industry that benefits the planet, people, and local communities.